Tuesday 29 January 2013

Live Webchat with Local Police

Selly Oak Constituency - Live webchat

We're linking in with Birmingham South police to co-host a LIVE webchat featuring neighbourhood policing inspector, Simon Inglis, on Tuesday 5 February between 6pm and 8pm.

The webchat will offer local people the opportunity to raise any concerns or queries they may have. The Inspector will attempt to answer all of these as efficiently and openly as possible.

There is no need to sign in to view the page, all you need to do is simply visit this website between 6pm and 8pm on Tuesday and click this LINK

Then follow the instructions.

Sunday 27 January 2013

Selly Oak Festival 2013

The Selly Oak Festival 2013 will be on the 29th June in Selly Oak Park. If you would like a stall please complete this booking form and e-mail it to festival @ friendsofsellyoakpark.org.uk.

Monday 14 January 2013

Community Partnership for Selly Oak

We are pleased to join other local groups in asking Sainsbury's to implement their 2007 plans for the Battery Site. See www.cp4so.org.uk  Twitter @cp4so.